Colossalcon and Colossalcon East Code of Conduct

Overall Convention Policies
Code of Conduct
Anti-Harassment Policy
Cosplay Policy
Prop Policy
Photographer Policy
Lost Badges
Waterpark Cosplay & Prop Policies
Autograph Policy
Disability Access

Overall Convention Policies

-Anything that is illegal outside of the convention is illegal inside the convention.

-Harassment will not be tolerated. Colossalcon is dedicated to providing a harassment-free convention experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age or religion.

-Please no glomping. We’ve had casualties.

-Please take mock battles outside (unless its part of an event).

-Note that behavioral policy is subject to perspective: if you are doing anything out of line;
Staff reserve the right to revoke your badge without question or fairness. All Staff decisions are final

-Age Requirements: All attendees age 11 and older must have a badge. All attendees age 10 and under may attend colossalcon when accompanied by a person who has purchased a badge. All events (including the After Hours Waterpark event) are intended for all ages, unless otherwise stated. All 18+ events are ID’d. You must be 18 or older to attende 18+ events. No exceptions.

-The kalahari has a strict no drone policy. You can read their rules here.

Colossalcon Code of Conduct

1. Purpose

A primary goal of Colossalcon is to be inclusive to the anime community and attendees as a whole, with the most varied and diverse backgrounds possible. As such, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and religion (or lack thereof).

This code of conduct outlines our expectations for all those who participate in our event as well as meetings, business, community social media as well as the consequences for unacceptable behavior.

We invite all those who participate in Colossalcon to help us create safe and positive experiences for everyone. A supplemental goal of this Code of Conduct is to increase open citizenship by encouraging participants to recognize and strengthen the relationships between our actions and their effects on our community.

Violations of our Code of Conduct may result actions such as:
• Internal investigation from senior staff
• Ejection and revokement of event badge (staff, panelist, etc. are not exempt from this rule)
• Ban from online participation and/or future events
• Possible prosecution and enforcement from legal authorities

If you see someone who is making an extra effort to ensure our community is welcoming, friendly, and encourages all participants to contribute to the fullest extent, we want to know.

2. Expected Behavior

The following behaviors are expected and requested of all community:
• Participate in an authentic and active way. In doing so, you contribute to the health and longevity of this community.
• Exercise consideration and respect in your speech and actions.
• Attempt collaboration before conflict.
• Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech and in written form.
• Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants. Alert community leaders if you notice a dangerous situation, someone in distress, or violations of this Code of Conduct, even if they seem inconsequential.
• Remember that community event venues may be shared with members of the public; please be respectful to all patrons of these locations.

3. Unacceptable Behavior

The following behaviors are considered harassment and are unacceptable within our community:
• Violence, threats of violence, or violent language directed against another person.
• Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist or otherwise discriminatory jokes and language.
• Posting or displaying sexually explicit or violent material (exceptions are 18+ carded events, panels, etc).
• Posting or threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxing”).
• Public displays of intoxication and heckling.
• Personal insults, particularly those related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or disability.
• Inappropriate photography or recording (excludes con official photography team (see photography policy)).
• Inappropriate physical contact. You should have someone’s consent before touching them (please see our anti-harassment policy here).
• Unwelcome sexual attention. This includes, sexualized comments or jokes; inappropriate touching, groping, and unwelcomed sexual advances.
• Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following (online or in person).
• Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior.
• Sustained disruption of community events, including talks and presentations at conventions or events.

4. Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior

Unacceptable behavior from any member of staff, volunteer, attendee, participant, sponsor, vendor, contractor, partner, or guest, including sponsors and those with decision-making authority, will not be tolerated. Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.

If a badge holder engages in unacceptable behavior, the Colossalcon organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including a temporary ban or permanent expulsion from the community without warning (and without refund in the case of a paid event).
If the offense is deemed illegal and/or needing legal authorities, the individual(s) will be subject to the full extent of local law.

5. Reporting Guidelines

If you are subject to and/or witness unacceptable behavior, or have any other concerns, please notify a convention organizer as soon as possible.

You now have multiple ways to address unacceptable behavior or violations in our code of conduct:

At convention or event- contact security. Locate an Colossalcon security taskforce member (typically a staffer wearing a security shirt/vest and has a security badge) and they will assist you in filing a report. If you CANNOT find security, please find a convention staffer, or go to Con Operations.
Online/Anonymously- Colossalcon SafeTalk (you are here)
Social Media- Any unacceptable behavior will be reported (Twitter, Facebook, etc) by DM/PM or by the Colossalcon SafeTalk portal
Additionally, convention organizers are available to help community members engage with local law enforcement or to otherwise help those experiencing unacceptable behavior feel safe.

6. Addressing Grievances

If you feel you have been falsely or unfairly accused of violating this Code of Conduct, you should notify Colossalcon with a concise description of your grievance using our contact us page.

7. Scope/Volunteers and Staff

We expect all convention participants (contributors, paid or otherwise; sponsors; and other guests) to abide by this Code of Conduct in all venues–online and in-person–as well as in all one-on-one communications pertaining to convention business.
Limitations: Illegal Code of Conduct violations occurring outside of official event or online spaces cannot be enforced by Colossalcon; situations of this nature might require engagement of law enforcement by the individual. Examples including, but not limited to: stalking, drugs, weapons, assault (sexual or otherwise).

Colossalcon expects all representatives at every level to conduct yourself in a professional and business appropriate manner while representing the organization. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated, and violations will be considered grounds for possible and immediate termination with the organization.

8. Contact info

9. License and attribution

The Citizen Code of Conduct is distributed by Stumptown Syndicate under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.
Portions of text derived from the Django Code of Conduct and the Geek Feminism Anti-Harassment Policy.
Revision 2.3. Posted 6 March 2017.
Revision 2.2. Posted 4 February 2016.
Revision 2.1. Posted 23 June 2014.
Revision 2.0, adopted by the Stumptown Syndicate board on 10 January 2013. Posted 17 March 2013.

Anti-Harassment Policy

Our event strives to provide a fun and safe atmosphere for the attendees. Anyone who is making an effort to make people feel uncomfortable is not contributing to the fun atmosphere and potentially making it unsafe. Anyone caught doing so, may face consequences ranging from a verbal warning to expulsion from the event and property.

This policy is to applicable to all persons in attendance, including staff, vendors, panelists, etc. This policy also expressly prohibits retaliation of any kind against anyone who is identifying themselves of being harassed or reporting harassment.

Harassment by anyone (attendees, guests, volunteers, security, staff, and/or venue employees) should be reported, and can be reported by anyone. Click here to report.(coming soon)

Please read and understand our guidelines below:

Undesired behavior, derogatory comments, stalking, and/or unnecessary intentional physical blocking of others that creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment for the person being targeted. Harassment can take many forms: physical or psychological, verbal and non-verbal, and may be subtle, unintentional, premeditated, and it is not always evident. No gender identity makes harassment acceptable or wanted, and all gender identities are to consent.

Colossalcon has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for harassment of any kind. This pertains to any (sorted alphabetically) of these Representations of Individuals*:
• Age
• Appearance
• Body Size
• Color
• Culture
• Disability
• Gender
• Gender Identity
• Gender Presentation
• National Origin
• Pregnancy
• Race or Ethnicity
• Religion (or lack of)
• Sexual Orientation

If someone tells you that your comments or behavior are unwelcome, you must stop immediately. If that person tells you to leave them alone, you must cease contact. It doesn’t matter whether you think your behavior was harassing: harassment is defined by the victim and you must respect their boundaries.

What constitutes harassment?
• Threats of violence, or violent language directed against another person.
• Discriminatory jokes, insults, bullying,) innuendoes, and language towards any of the Representations of Individuals above in regards to their appearance, ability, or anything disparaging. This is not to confused with occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature (Complimenting someone’s personality, skills, and/or style, rather than directing it towards a physical asset of that individual.)
• Threatening to post other people’s personally identifying information (“doxing”).
• Public displays of intoxication and heckling.
• Degrading sexual remarks (referring to someone as a stud, hunk or babe), whistling, cat calls, comments on a person’s body or sex life, and/or any kind of non-consensual flirting, sexual advances, or pressures for sexual favors.
• Sustained disruption of speakers, panels, signings, or other even
• Repeated texting, phone calls, and/or emails, after being told to stop

• Inappropriate, unwanted physical contact: Brushing against a person’s body, glomping, hugging, patting, physical/sexual assault and/or battery, and/or touching.
• Inappropriate, unwanted non-physical contact: Gestures, staring, standing too close, exposing oneself, or miming sexual acts.
• Exposing an individual(s) to substance/chemicals against their will.
• Deliberately stalking, intimidating, following someone, entering an attendee’s room against their wishes, or blocking a person’s movement (bathroom policing), attending a person’s panels solely to intimidate them.
• Deliberately harassing or interrupting photography or recording.
• Covert photography or videography for the purpose of exploitation (hidden cameras, upskirt video, etc.).
• Posting or displaying sexually explicit or violent material (exceptions are 18+ carded events, panels, etc).
• Racist or other derogatory cartoons or drawings.

Cosplay is not consent:

If a person is in cosplay, be mindful your words towards them and how you act around them. This is a real person with a life outside of their cosplay.
If you are in cosplay as a character that might harass others, that does not give you a pass to harass real people even if you are “in character.”

In regards to photography, touching, and communication: ask first and respect a person’s right to say no. “No” always means “No.” “Go away” means “go away.” Only “Yes” means “yes.” Do not follow or attempt to disrupt their convention experience in any way upon being asked to leave or that they do not consent to a request.
In the event of harassment:
If you feel that you or another person is being harassed or being subjected to prejudiced or unwelcome behavior; or if you withness someone behaving inappropriately (such as violating hotel or convention policies), we respectfully suggest the following:
• If you feel you can point out the inappropriate behavior to the person(s) involved. This may de-escalate the problem immediately.
• If you do not feel comfortable talking with the person(s) involved or if talking to them does not resolve the issue, please report the situation immediately verbally via general staff (identified by a staff badge), security (identified by a security badge), or department head. You also have the option to alert the staff via our Speak Talk.

Con staff will request names, badge names, badge numbers and/or physical descriptions of the person(s) for further investigation and follow up.
• If you feel threatened, make it a priority to remove yourself and others threatened from the situation, come to Con Operations, security, or find anyone on staff. You can also text Operations via the Colossalcon Speak Talk Portal so we can arrange an escort to come get you.
• Please report the event to staff as soon as you’re comfortable. Time can determine how successful we can be at de-escalating or catching the harasser, Faster reporting also decreases the likelihood of more victims.

What is a Safe Space?
A “Safe Space” is a location within the convention that are, or can be altered to be places of increased physical, intellectual, and/or emotional security. “Safe Spaces” either have staff present or we can summon to the location to assist. These locations are provided to anyone who seeks them, without judgement and without expressions of doubt.

Our level of involvement will be your choice. Our response can range from a verbal warning the other party to contacting local law enforcement and assisting them. You will not be required to confront the other party and unless you tell us otherwise, we will not reveal your identity to them.

Depending on the severity of the offense, actions may result in confiscation of the offender’s badge and removal from the convention without refund. If law enforcement becomes involved, please be professional and respectful.

If additional support is needed, Colossalcon staff/security will also assist in escorting you to where you feel safe and/or getting you in contact with your friends or family.

Colossalcon reserves the right to revoke membership and deny future membership to individuals in violation of its Code of Conduct, or those who are deemed to pose a legitimate threat to the safety of the convention and its attendees.

If the offender is an internal with the convention (Minor and Senior Staff/Security), we will create counsel with the department heads and senior staff to determine if the individual(s) will continue to move forward with the organization.

This policy applies to everyone at the convention, including attendees, panelists, vendors, guests, and staff.
If you have any concerns prior to the convention, you can contact us here:

Cosplay Policy

For detailed information on our cosplay events, please either visit the In Character Contest page, or the Saturday Masquerade info page.


-Please refer to our cosplay prop chart to see if your prop will be permitted at the con(click to enlarge):

-Regarding weapons purchased in the dealers room: After purchasing a weapon that normally violates our Prop policy, it must remain in its packaging and be taken immediately to your room or car for storage.


-No metal swords, knives, bayonets, cane-swords, and/or other objects made of metal, which have a sharp point or sharpened edge. Exceptions may be made for cosplayers during the masquerade.

-No real or replica guns of any kind permitted. Exceptions may be made for cosplayers during the masquerade.

Exceptions regarding guns

-Easily identifiable toy plastic guns with no moving parts and that have a clearly visible orange tip will be permitted. Resin models will be permitted as long as they are marked with clearly visible orange tip.

-Nunchakus are not permitted. Nunchaku made out of craft materials for cosplay purposes will be permitted in the halls so long as it is not misused. Exceptions otherwise may be made for cosplayers during the masquerade.

-There are to be no explosives or chemicals of any kind, including but not limited to smoke powder,
sparklers and fireworks.

-Bows: Bows must be unstrung at the con. We understand that your bow may be an important part of your cosplay, but we don’t wish for people to be accidentally harmed. Exceptions may be made on a case my case basis with the cosplay department while taking part in the masquerade.


-Fake or made-up weaponry (example: made of wood, plastic, foam, plaster of Paris, cloth etc) are permitted if they are safe and not dangerous to the other con-goers around you. For example, dangerous conditions include but are not limited to wires sticking out, items that trip passersby, clothes lining a member, etc.

-Please limit the size of the weapons to less than 8 feet in height and must be a reasonable weight (I.e… if you can’t carry it on your own or it requires more than one person then it will not be permitted. If you do happen to make something heavy, make sure you are able to carry it without a problem.


-Misuse of any Prop, such as swinging it in a public area or causing hazards to passerby attend, will get your privilege revoked immediately.If we deem a Prop to be unsafe for the convention, we will request you to store the unsafe prop in your private quarters (i.e.: your room or car). If there is a repeat offense, we will escort you out of the convention and off of convention grounds so that you can place the weapon in your private quarters.

-All Props brought into the convention should be brought to the security desk for inspection by security staff.

-All questionable items will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Anything deemed illegal outside the convention is deemed illegal inside the convention premises.

Photographer Policy

What the photographer pass does not provide you:

*Does not get you “all access.” We are working to see if we can get all photographers front for the masquerade. Since too many in front of the stage can cause issues, the cosplay coordinators have the final say on who can be front.

*Does not grant you the power to remove attendees from a given area. Our attendees are generally nice people and if you simply ask them to clear the area for your photoshoot, they will likely comply, but you cannot force them to move.

-The photographer pass grants you 4-day badge access to the convention.

-Light stands are limited to one inside the Kalahari buildings and indoor water park, with a limit of a 42” reflector. Shoots in the outside areas are unrestricted. Clamp lights are permitted indoors if the clamp is non-marking and has rubberized grips.

-No inverter powered lights in the indoor or outdoor water parks.

-No battery packs in the water.

-Equipment is permitted in walkways and on sidewalks, but should immediately be moved if anyone wheelchair bound or on crutches should need to pass through.

-No lights or light stands in the pools or water. This equipment should be on the deck/ground surrounding the water.

-The Sands pool and area will be closed to the public on Friday but open to photographers and their subjects (for the purpose of photography). There will be signup sheets on clipboards to sign up for a time slot in the pool. Please be ready to shoot when your time slot begins or it will be released to any other waiting photographers.

-You will be sent an e-mail with payment instructions and other info soon after applying.

Lost Badge Policy

Lost Badges = Buy a new Badge.

-If you do lose your badge please check with Convention Operations (Con Ops) to see if it has been returned.

-Please return all “Found” badges to Con Ops.

-Proper identification MUST be provided in order for your lost badge to be returned to you.

-We suggest writing you name on the back of your badge.

Waterpark Cosplay & Prop Policies

Cosplay is welcome in the Kalahari waterpark during both day and the after hours events held each day. Cosplay props must follow all prop rules and are subject to Kalahari judgement as to whether or not they are allowed into the waterpark.

-Flotation devices are not allowed in the water. Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis (by the Kalahari) when it is obvious that the flotation devices are being used as cosmetic props for photography use -only-.

-All makeup and hair dye exposed to water in the Kalahari waterpark should not be in the water unless it has been properly sealed.

-Wigs are allowed in the Kalahari waterpark but all efforts should be made to ensure that wigs do not come off/interfere with any park operations.

-Colossalcon does not promote or condone body shaming in any manner, but our organization must comply with the standards set forth by the waterpark. Per Kalahari rules, all bathing suits throughout the Kalahari Resorts property must cover a minimum of the genitals, and female nipples. Full-body swimsuits are also permitted. Anyone not going in the pools/on the rides may wear normal attire throughout the waterpark.

-Mermaid Tails are permitted around the pools and at the water’s edge. You are not permitted to swim with a mermaid tail in the pools.

Autograph Policy

We know you love the guests, and the guests love you! Here are some simple rules to help make your autograph and guest experience both quick and exciting!

-Follow the instructions of the Colossalson staff.

-No touching guests without their consent.

-Each person is limited to one (1) item to be autographed per guest(for free) unless stated otherwise.

-Guests will only autograph items that are relevant to their work.

-Photographs may not be taken with the guest during an autograph session unless stated otherwise.

-Going behind the guest’s table is not allowed.

-Please be considerate of your fellow attendees and avoid having lengthy conversations with the guests during an autograph session.

-Autograph lines may be “capped” at any point to keep events on schedule.

-Always be respectful of our guests. Attendees that exhibit rude or inappropriate behavior will be asked to leave the line and will not be admitted back in.

-Check your Program Schedule for the Autograph Session times and locations. Updated schedules are available at Information posted outside the Autograph room.

-Guests will not sign a bootleg item. Our guests know which items are legitimate and which are not. If you have any questions about a product you want signed, please ask a staff member.

-Autographs are guaranteed only for the first 100 attendees in line.

Disability Access

If you are wheelchair bound or have other mobility issues and need assistance, check into the security office where our staff will be happy to assist you. This doesn’t necessarily grant front line privileges, but we will be sure you are appropriately seated at events.

Service Animals

Service animals have to be officially authorized as a service animal. In the state of Ohio Dogs and Horses are the only animals that are recognized. The ADA no longer lists the Emotional Support/Companion Animals as Service Animals. The Kalahari does comply with all ADA policies however, and service animals are permitted such as seeing eye dogs, etc.


All other questions can be direct to our facebook groups(under the community section of the website) and/or contacting us directly via email. If you have questions at the con and need help, you can also find information on our help @ con page.